This is a very timely and important blog which l want to share with you regarding the ‘Shedding‘ phenomenon from CV19 vaxxed people, which is being written and spoken about on alternative media world-wide.

At first when l read about the shedding of vaxxed people almost 12 months ago, l had no idea of what it meant energetically to the meridians, organs and the Human Biofield.

The vaccine rollout was just beginning, and the only people shown in the media were politicians. However, as time moved on and more and more people were getting vaxxed, we were better able to energetically “read” the Biofields of vaxxed people shown in the media and also in our person to person contact experience.

Now, from our personal research, it is easier to ascertain exactly what the vaxxed shedding was doing to people, and also what was happening to shedded people who are in contact with other people.

And the following is what we found: –

  1. We have a new type of radiation on the planet which we have never been subjected to before. 
  2. Covid vaxxed people and people who have been in close contact with Covid vaxxed people, are radiation emitters.
  3. They are THE MOST DANGEROUS form of radiation on the planet! More so than 5G would ever be!!
  4. As of December 2021, 99% of the adult population are energetically shedded, and are, in-turn, shedders themselves whether they are vaxxed and unvaxxed!

First of all let’s look at the common ingredient in the CV19 vaccines, Graphene Oxide. I encourage you to Google that word and you will find that it is not in sympathy with humans and animals.

Graphene Oxide is a substance which has an electrical charge; a dangerous “positive charge” which travels to our vital organs. Our vital organs resonate at and rely on being fed a “negative charge” via our meridian system which, in turn, then manifests as a healthy, balanced and negative charged Biofield.

When a toxin, especially derived from a metal substance and one that has a strong positive charge enters into our system, the organ resonance becomes positive charged, equivalent to that of a diseased organ. And the meridian system’s healthy negative charge is depleted to a positive charge, and the acupuncture points block.

The result of this is that the human Biofield then has a very strong positive charge and a person then becomes a “walking danger to other humans and animals, like an EMF field similar to what a WI-FI router produces in size and frequency when in use!”

When a toxic Biofield person comes into contact with a person with a healthy Biofield for even just a few minutes, the toxic Biofield person then ‘infects’ the healthy Biofield person, and, in-turn, their own healthy Biofield becomes a toxic Biofield also!

When a ‘shedded’ person comes into contact with a person with a healthy Biofield, the same thing happens again and again…

In my eyes, this is what is happening energetically with the shedding phenomenon. However, it is interesting to note that this is not a new phenomenon, as from our research, we have experienced the same results with people infected and suffering with Epstein Barr virus for many years.

Regarding the health issues then experienced by vaxxed and shedded people, you can easily research this elsewhere. Something to be aware of however, is that the frequency of the toxified Biofield, has a strong positive charge (which means the Biofield becomes a harmful EMF charged field), is 10 times more dangerous than being within 5 meters of a 4G or 5G transmitter!!!

Being exposed to radiation from 5G street lights for an extended period of time will NOT semi-permanently or energetically infect a person like a shedded person will.

One more very interesting point about the Graphine Oxide is that it is also found in the blue surgical face masks! A fact! Bioresonance equipment has tested this to be true!

Recently, I conducted an in-house Building Biology Consultation where the host was shedded by her partner who had received the CV19 vaccine.

When l do a home consultation, l personally don’t wear a Stellar Pendant on purpose so as not to create any balancing interference, which then allows me to be as articulate as possible with my radiation survey.

About 5 minutes into the consultation, l began to feel very sluggish, energetically confused, experienced reflux and a nauseous feeling in my stomach. At the time, the host had not informed me that her partner had been vaxxed. Also, l was more focused on the energetics of the building rather than the hosts’ own energy field issues.

At the end of the consultation, a Stellar Dome was used to totally balance all fields in the house caused by a fissure, a Geoelectric Grid Line, mould in the roof cavity and some very toxic human-generated Bioplasmic radiation fields over the beds in the two bedrooms. This stands to reason because if all occupants of the house were shedders and shedded, then yes, their Bioplasmic fields would be extra strong in their beds.


So, what do you do about being shedded?

We developed the new Stellar Pendant about 14 months ago in the first lockdown in Melbourne. The initial intention was to produce a single colour pendant to be more effective than the old Orgone Ionic Personal Pendants colour range. That was back then and there was no CV19 vaccine available, only talk of its ‘development’.

Fast forward to July, 2021 and the vaccine is being rolled.  We then began to notice the result of being vaxxed, and being shedded by vaxxed people, as spoken about above.

We then tested the Stellar Pendant on the vaxxed and the unvaxxed and the result was…..

(1) If a vaxxed person wears a Stellar Pendant, then their Biofield was  immediately “restored” and they were no longer a shedding danger to anyone anymore.

(2) If an unvaxxed person wore a Stellar Pendant and came into personal contact with a vaxxed person, the unvaxxed Stellar Pendant wearer was protected and not able to be shedded.

(3) If an unvaxxed person was shedded, then after a period of just 24 hours of wearing the Stellar Pendant, their shedded Biofield would become fully restored.

This also applies to our other personal EMF protection products in our range i.e. our Ener-Soles, Harmonywear pendants and bracelets, and Ener-Bands.

As from early November 2021, we also upgraded the Geoclense® and the Stellar Dome® so that they all now will neutralize all vaxxed and unvaxxed people, however shedded and still a shedder, in a building.

This upgrade was made so that a large group of vaxxed people congregated in the one space, for example a supermarket or restaurant etc., are not able to energetically drive the buildings energetics down to a point that a Geoelectric current is then generated, which would increase the amount of geopathic stress in people within that building. The same results apply for all of our wearable personal harmonizers like the Stellar Pendants, Harmonywear and Ener-Bands.

So, in away, you could say that the products are acting not only in a defensive manner, but also offensively.

Just one more point…. In the beginning of the vaccine rollout, the politicians’ Biofields were not toxified! So, what does that mean?!

Today however, even if the politicians are not vaxxed, because of the amount of people around them who are all shedders, they are now ‘shedded’ themselves!  And, in addition to this, these politicians and Bureaucrats are all under severe negative psychic impression due to the growing public awareness of their Draconian actions which manifests as an overlay of very toxic energy in their Biofields.  This is a fact!

By Gerard Bini
Founder & Managing Director
Orgone Effects Australia Pty. Ltd.