WiFi. 5G. Smart Meters. We constantly hear these popular devices being associated with harmful EMFs, but is this all to it? The truth is, there’s so much more to EMF than just 5G, and it’s time we addressed these lesser-known concerns.  It’s time we went BEYOND EMF. Hosted by our very own Founder, Gerard Bini, Beyond […]
Geoelectric Ground Currents are a form of earth radiation, and are by far the most harmful to humans and animals. Learn everything you need to know about GGCs.
Are the 5G streetlights and towers dangerous? How about smartphones? Understanding the potential dangers and how to protect yourself your Geoelectric Ground Currents is crucial.
EBV is one of the most common human viruses in the world. With cases of Epstein Barr Virus (EBV) increasing since 2019, and sufferers of Epstein Barr finding life even tougher, it raises the question: what changed after 2019?
In 2019, 5G streetlight networks had just begun to be turned on and rolled out in Australia, but at a very slow rate. In this blog, I do a deep dive into the 5G roll-out, asking and answering the questions that are on your minds.